Our happy beginning

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Yes I know I am WAY behind...

Well, it has been AGES since I last posted anything (so much for catching up in my last post!) I guess that's what happens when you don't have access to the internet on any sort of a regular basis. Now that I have my netbook I am going to try to be far better.

I am indeed pregnant. A whole 24.5 weeks pregnant. I am due February 6, 2010 and we are having a boy we will name Matthew Christopher Hiller (Andrew and I are in a disagreement about what he will be called. I like Matty and he hates it. He likes plain old Matt which I think is far too grown up a name for my baby boy. I guess he'll just have to learn to respond to 2 different names. You choose which one you like and call him that-- FYI- Matty is far better;-). I can't believe I'm almost to my 3rd trimester! I definitely have a baby bump and it is starting to get horribly awkward to do many of my normal activities and chores. I do still spend hours on the floor each day playing cars, little people, blocks, games, or any other number of "fun" things with James. The getting down part isn't so bad... it's getting up again afterward. I am about ready to turn toy clean up into Andrew's job due to the fact that I am panting by the time I finish and feel like someone has punched me in the stomach. James has no clue what is about to happen to his happy, only child world. He likes babies (a little too roughly sometimes but his intentions are good) but I'm not sure how much that novelty affection will last when mommy has to be shared all day. I know they'll be great friends once Matthew grows up enough to play with James but that will require some waiting to reach that point.

James is getting HUGE! He runs, jumps (off of EVERYTHING), spins, swings, digs in the sand, plays hard, and talks like a chatter box! He's very motivated to learn. He's only a little over 2 years old and already has all the standard colors learned. He is currently working on learning how to spell his name. He's got it pretty close too. He says "G" instead of "J" and throws in a "D" instead of "M" but I guess since he's 2 will let that slide. It's horribly adorable in any case. One of his latest favorite things to do is boss our poor dog Mandi around. All day long I get to listen to "Puppy NO!", "Puppy here!" and "Puppy outside!" Mandi usually just cowers and tries to hide from him (which does not deter my determined 2 year old in the slightest). I guess it's better to boss the puppy than a younger sibling so hopefully he gets most of his bossiness out on her before February rolls around.

I am still knitting like a mad woman on a mission and working on writing my book. Progress in the book department was also delayed due to a lack of reliable computer to work on but my netbook solves that problem too so hopefully I can really get cracking on it. I have until June 2011 to get a good readable draft ready for proof reading by friends and family (that's when my brother Robbie gets home from his mission and I promised him I'd have it ready for him to read when he got home). I have also decided (just in this past week) that my window for finishing the many sewing projects I want to get done for James and the baby is rapidly closing as my baby bump expands. As a result I was braving JoAnn's (the fabric store) during their crazy sale this weekend getting fabric for James' Halloween costume, a birthday present, and a car seat drape for the new baby. I also have the materials to make a nursing cover and need to get that finished too. Luckily none of those sewing projects are too intense or extreme so hopefully I'll manage. I was planning on sewing a new diaper bag for when the new baby arrives (the last one I made, although very cute, is dying at an alarming rate) but I decided to say forget it and will probably just buy one sometime between now and February. It's nice having baby #2 since you already have most of the baby items you need. I do still want to get a baby bouncer seat, a baby swing, a playpen, and baby carrier since I didn't have any of those things for James and always wished I did. Maybe we'll have to buy Matthew Christmas presents this year even though he won't be around yet...

Andrew is good but work is crazy and he also has a part time job at the soccer stadium in Sandy. I don't see him much the days he works both but the extra money is nice and I think he enjoys the change in environment. I do know he doesn't complain about it too much and most always gets free food. Can't complain about that right?

Well, sorry there's no pics but since this computer is only a few days old I haven't begun to have the chance to upload any photos. I will try to get pictures of James and my baby belly up on here before too long (at the latest after Halloween). As for pictures of Andrew... well... no promises!!!

James at 14th Months Old

James at 14th Months Old
Cool Dude!