Our happy beginning

Sunday, February 22, 2009

TagEd- 8 Things

I'm joining the TagEd - Your it now! Here are the rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment.

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1) The Office
2) CSI: Miami
3) Law and Order: SVU
4) Lost (but I am WAY behind on watching)
5) Painting with Bob Ross (I seriously work it into my schedule to watch! So relaxing and brilliant!)
6) Jay Leno
7) Still Standing
8) Two and a Half Men (it's pretty dirty but stinking hilarious!)
9) Nature shows (any of them really...)
10) Anything that keeps James entertained and not meddling for more than 10 minutes (Barney, Martha Speaks, Word Girl, Fetch with Ruff Ruffman, Cyberchase, etc.)

8 Things I did Yesterday:
1) Attended a baby shower for Andrew's cousin.
2) Attended a baby shower for another one of Andrew's cousins.
3) Bought a Dyson vacuum that I am in love with.
4) Went on a spending spree (make-up, a new rug, pens, a pencil holder...)
5) Read an awesome book I just bought called Your First Novel (yes, I AM a writer and I AM writing a novel... and it will be amazing!)
6) Had some AMAZING chicken and asparagus made by my wonderful husband for dinner.
7) Had a "girl's night" with my two sisters (pretty much we went to the ghetto mall VF and watched Melissa buy stuff , bought ice cream that we never ended up eating, and then fell asleep to King Kong. It sounds lame but was pretty fun).
8) Decorated some more for St. Patrick's Day.

8 Things I am Looking Forward To:
1) Warmer weather so James and I can party at the park all day.
2) Having another baby (whenever it decides it's finally ready to come--- no I am not pregnant... yet)
3) Finishing my knitting projects.
4) Winning Publisher's Clearing House (or other such something that will give me lots of money).
5) My trip to Disneyland with my family in March!
6) Publishing my book.
7) Finishing my Slim in 6 program without cheating.
8) Going to school as an English major and actually finishing it!

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1) Olive Garden
2) Johnny Carino's
3) Texas Roadhouse
4) Souper Salad
5) KFC (not a restaurant really but after working there in college I still crave the greasy, unhealthy food).
6) Noodles and Company
7) Panda Express (again not a restaurant but AMAZING)
8) Apollo Burger (to die for)

8 Things on my Wish List:
1) To get pregnant
2) To get out of debt completely
3) To get into a house
4) To get Andrew and I completely done with school
5) OK, I'll say it... a million dollars would be pretty sweet... this is a wish list
6) To be able to loose weight by thinking about it and in about a day or so...
7) My own office/craft room
8) A Honda Pilot or a Toyota Highlander.

8 People I Tag:
1) Holly
2) Savannah
3) Jonathan
4) Mariel
5) Melissa (seriously get a blog...)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just One of Those Days

What a day! You know those days where nothing seems ok? When everything seems to fall to pieces and you feel completely helpless? I had one of those days today. In one sudden moment a happy Sunday turned... well... just BLAH. I found out today one of my major plans for my future had fallen through and things would not be progressing in my life as I had hoped they would. I don't exactly handle disappointment well and became rather emotional about it all... and my poor husband fell victim to that. We had a bit of a negative encounter before church today (which was sadly initiated by me and left me feeling a million times worse than I had been feeling in the first place). It was largely a miscommunication (on my part) and over something unimportant and since I was upset already I blew things way out of proportion. I felt bad about it just a few minutes after it had passed but was too proud (and annoyed) to admit fault and apologize.

Well, we went to church (we were attending my cousin's mission homecoming) and went to my Uncle's for the luncheon afterward. I was still feeling emotional and tired (which happens when you only had 5.5 hours of sleep the previous night) so we ditched out fairly early and went to my parents' house where James could play more easily, Andrew could change out of his church clothes and surf the internet, and I could catch a much needed nap. I slept for awhile and woke feeling as emotional as I had before I slept. We played games with my family (I lost horribly) and I went back to my cozy zone (curled on the couch with a comfy blanket). That was about the time I lost it (for the first time this evening). Trying to do so unnoticed by my family I started crying and couldn't stop. My family (mainly my mom, sisters, and James) tried to calm me. Embarrassed of being caught crying I forced myself to stop and pretend I was ok.

When I got home I lost it again. James kept blowing me kisses and trying to give me loves to make me feel better and my sweet husband (who I had been so wretched to earlier that day) kept trying to figure out ways to make me feel better. He cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, changed James' diaper, entertained James, offered to get me anything I could think of, even offered to give me a make-over (which I must admit would've been rather terrifying and humorous).

Like most hormonal females (yes, I was PMS-ing... alot) once I had got my dose of crying in I felt much better. I was still disappointed and still a bit sad but I had dumped my emotional garbage can and once again had space to handle the events of life.

This entry is mostly to publicly announce to Andrew that I was wrong. I know I was and I know I treated you horribly. I am SO sorry! It was also to let everyone know just how forgiving and wonderful my husband is and how wacky I can get. I really am a nice person but like anyone can have bad days. If you catch me on one of those days I am sorry! I try my hardest to not let my garbage rub off on anyone else.

Andrew- I love you more than anything and you mean the world to me. Thanks for keeping me laughing and for working so hard to support our family. XOXO!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Day Out

Every January we have a warm up period in our weather here in Utah. Tempratures rise and our air gets more and more polluted. Yesterday was one of those warmer days and I decided to brave the horrible air quality outside and take James to the park. Since I had found some old bread the day before (while organizing our pantry) I decided to take him to Murray Park to play and feed the ducks. Since James ADORES his Uncle Robbie (who did not work yesterday and will soon be going on a mission for two years) he came too!

When we got to the park we didn't find too many ducks. We did, however, find gaggles of geese! James wasn't too sure about feeding them at first but rapidy caught on and started enjoying it. The initially cautious geese slowly gathered closer and closer until we were completely surrounded and there were even some geese eating out of our hands!

Once the bread ran out we headed for the park. On the way there we found a muskrat scurrying around on the grass. He froze as soon as we caught sight of him. He was HUGE!

The park was a riot. Since James was not walking before it started to cool off last fall, this was only his second or third trip to the park. He LOVED it! He kept squealing and giggling and running around. Thankfully everything was dry enough he didn't get completely soaked. He loved the slides (especially the big one he went down with Uncle Robbie over and over), the spinning cup thing (the last two pics in the slide show), running around at random, and attempting to make friends with the other kids at the park.

When I tried to get him to stop and have some picnic lunch he threw a fit. All I could get him to eat was apple juice, a few gummie fruit snacks, and a couple potato chips (talk about a meal of champs!)

All in all we were there for almost an hour and a half. James still was heartbroken when we left. Guess I'll have to watch the weather for more clear days when we can go to the park again!

PS- After all this excitement we ALL (yes, this includes Robbie and myself) went home and took a nap. Parks are tiring!

James at 14th Months Old

James at 14th Months Old
Cool Dude!